Come ridurre i costi della pressofusione di alluminio?

da | 5 marzo 2025

Il costo della pressofusione di alluminio per KG varia da circa 4$ a 6$ USD. Allo stesso modo, il costo degli utensili può variare da 8.000$ a 15.000$ USD. Se il progetto è semplice, è possibile risparmiare $5.000-$10.000 sui costi di attrezzaggio. Inoltre, una lega di alluminio come quella dell'A380 può ridurre i costi fino a 10%.

Esistono alcuni modi per rendere la pressofusione di alluminio meno costosa e redditizia. In termini di ottimizzazione del design, le leghe più economiche, l'alluminio riciclato e così via sono al primo posto. Per saperne di più su come ridurre i costi della pressofusione di alluminio, leggete questo articolo. Scoprite dove concentrarvi per migliorare i risultati di produzione.

Indice dei contenuti

Ottimizzare la progettazione degli stampi per ridurre i costi della pressofusione

Importanza della progettazione degli stampi

A quanto pare, disegni di stampi hanno un ruolo critico. Per questo motivo, la progettazione deve creare pezzi delle giuste dimensioni, contenere superfici lisce e offrire una resistenza sufficiente. Oltre a questo, una progettazione efficace dello stampo richiede anche un minor tempo per ciclo e risente dell'uso ripetuto.

Impatto sulla qualità dei pezzi

Una cattiva progettazione degli stampi comporta diversi problemi. All'inizio sono tutti problemi minori, che poi si trasformano in difetti inevitabili come crepe, deformazioni o rugosità.

Ad esempio, uno stampo che non è in grado di sopportare temperature tra i 400 e i 700°C causa difetti.

Pertanto, è necessario un progetto di matrice più preciso se si vuole eliminare questo problema.

Influenza dei costi di pressofusione sulla velocità di produzione e sulla durata dello stampo

L'impatto che uno stampo ben progettato ha sulla produzione complessiva comprende la riduzione dei tempi di ciclo e la longevità. Ad esempio, si può passare da 30 secondi a 25 secondi per pezzo. Allo stesso modo, la capacità produttiva aumenta di 20%. Di conseguenza, non solo si risparmia denaro, ma si migliora anche l'efficienza.

Aspetti tecnici della progettazione di stampi

Sistemi di chiusura:

dating system die casting

Un sistema di chiusura comprende molti altri componenti. Ad esempio, spurghi, strozzatori, guide e ingressi.

Per distribuire l'alluminio fuso negli stampi, queste parti sono significative, come ad esempio:

  • La matrice è un canale fondamentale di circa 10-15 mm di larghezza.
  • Lo strozzatore aiuta il metallo a scorrere più rapidamente con una larghezza di 5-8 mm.
  • Le guide, larghe 8-12 mm, lasciano che il metallo copra ogni lato della matrice.
  • Gli ingranaggi, larghi 3-6 mm, servono soprattutto per guidare il metallo verso la matrice.

Sistemi di sfiato:

Venting systems work by incorporating cooling channels, ejector pins, draft angles, and parting lines. Their main job is to prevent air entrapment and reduce defects.

  • Cooling channels (6-10 mm in diameter) release a sufficient amount of pressure to keep the die temperature at the right degree.
  • Ejector pins are good to add every 50-100 mm to push out the final part.
  • Draft angles with 1-3° let you remove parts easily.
  • When parting lines do not fit perfectly, then the casting produces residue or flash around the edges.

Trasferimento di calore:

It’s important to maintain heat during casting. This is because uneven die cooling leads to shrinkage, cracks, and warping.

Also, proper cooling channels can fix this issue, as they maintain the die at the right temperature.

Ottimizzazione della progettazione degli stampi per ridurre i costi della pressofusione di alluminio

The benefits of simple parting lines, efficient cooling channels, and reduced die components could be one of the cut costs.

For example, a die with fewer parts can save around 5000-10000, while cooling systems save energy.

In addition to this, designing for manufacturability (DFM) creates an easy die design, improving its manufacturing ability and use.

Uso del software di simulazione

Software like MAGMAsoft and ProCAST allows designers to locate weak areas and flow patterns. They predict the reason for problems like shrinkage or cracks before manufacturing. For instance, simulation integration in die designs results in saving materials waste up to 10-15% and making better parts.

Minimizzare la complessità e ridurre gli sprechi

Factors like undercuts and cores impact the die cost. So, in this case, make fewer undercuts and add simple cores to save time and money. Also, look for gating systems like tapered runners to prevent flash and scrap.

These techniques significantly save material waste and cycle time by up to 12%.

Selezionare la giusta lega di alluminio

Panoramica delle leghe di alluminio

aluminum die casting properties

Because of its lightweight, strong, and corrosion-resistant properties, manufacturers use aluminum alloys primarily. Their common types are A380, ADC12, and AlSi9Cu3.

Each of them is different as their chemical compositions are not the same. For example, A380 is composed of Al-8.5%Si-3.5%Cu and ADC12 with Al-10%Si-2.5%Cu.

Proprietà chiave

As we have discussed above, aluminum alloys are produced by adding several elements.

aluminum die casting tensile

This is why these elements affect their properties (tensile strength, yield strength, and ductility). For instance, there is ~310 MPa tensile strength in A380 alloys and 250°C thermal stability.

In addition to thermal stability, it is the parameter that shows how well the alloy works at high temperatures.

For example, the image shows the different aspects of Al-base and AlSi H13 hot alloys. They maintain strength up to 400-600°C, which is good to use in high-temperature parts.

Differenze tra leghe primarie e secondarie

You can differentiate primary and secondary alloys by their actual source. This is because primary alloys contain pure material, while secondary ones include recycled items.

The presence of trace elements like iron and manganese can change its properties. For example, an alloy with too much iron could have lower ductility.

Impatto della selezione delle leghe sui costi della pressofusione

Material costs are not the same in every region or setup. So their prices keep fluctuating. For example, A380 is not much more costly than ADC12. Particularly, ADC12 has good fluidity. That, however, makes fewer defects in casting.

before and after treatment of aluminum Add a heading 65

Likewise, complicated alloy options, including AlSi9Cu3, can cause tool wear and raise machining costs.

Impatto dei costi della lega sulla durata di vita dello stampo

Some alloys, like AlSi H13 hot, offer excellent thermal stability. This is because they do not lead to die wear, increasing their performance cycles.

The proper alloy selection can bring a very reduced cost. This way, you can get specific features like part quality, extended die life, and easy production at better rates.

For example, the AlSi9Cu3 alloy is suitable for high strength but, at the same time, saves 10% on machining costs.

Migliorare l'efficienza del processo di fusione

Panoramica del processo di pressofusione

In order to produce product profile parts, manufacturers prepare molten aluminum. This material then shifts in an injection mold where it is pushed by force at high pressure.

The casting process includes contributions from other components, too. For example, mold, feeder tube, and ejector pins.

  • The mold contains the profile shape.
  • The feeder tube is like pathways that deliver metals
  • Ejector pins aid in removing parts safely from the mold.

Metodi di pressofusione

Casting can be done in both hot and cold chambers. The selection between them lies in metal types and their melting points.

This is because hot chamber die casting cannot handle alloys with high melting points. It goes well with low melting points, like zinc.

However, in the case of higher melting points (aluminum), cold chambers work effectively.

Hot chambers take less time to complete one cycle, while cold chambers make parts stronger.

Metodi per migliorare l'efficienza dei processi

Ottimizzazione del controllo della temperatura:

We already know controlling die temperatures is necessary. So, there are die heaters and cooling systems available to help. Also, real-time temperature monitoring produces parts with similar features or consistency.

Riduzione dei tempi di ciclo:

Speed up the mold filling process and maintain injection pressure around 500-1500 bar. Optimize cooling times and the removal process in a way that can save 5-10 seconds per unit.

Implementazione dell'automazione:

Automation increases work efficiency and reduces costs. This is because robots are faster and make fewer errors than humans. They can be used to apply lubricants on the die, perform part extraction, and perform inspection steps.

Manutenzione preventiva:

Regularly inspect each machine’s equipment and its supportive parts. Check for any breakdown and replacement needs. This maintenance support keeps the setups running.

So, the key aspects of improving die casting really help you in getting cheaper production.

Ridurre i rifiuti di materiale

Importanza della riduzione dei rifiuti materiali

Material waste is not good for environmental conditions or for cost savings. For example, the waste of aluminum chips causes serious harm if not reused. Additionally, scrapes need more energy to remelt and process. Production costs increase as a result.

Metodi per ridurre al minimo gli sprechi

1. Ottimizzazione della progettazione degli stampi:

You need to optimize runners and gate systems in order to reduce waste. At the moment, pick smaller runners and gates.

For example, shift the size of the gate from 6 mm to 4 mm. It uses less material, saving 10% on scraps.

Also, there is the option to optimize overflow by capturing excess metal for reuse.

2. Implementazione di programmi di riciclaggio:

aluminum die casting cost and recycling

This kind of aluminum chip waste can be recycled in-house using a hot extrusion machine. Meanwhile, complex waste like EDM wire or compact extrudate needs external recyclers.

3. Ridurre la sovrapproduzione:

Demand forecasting and lean manufacturing principles aid in fixing excess inventory. They design parts using materials of the actual quantity.

4. Manipolazione corretta della massa fusa:

Ultrasonic baths help in removing oxidation from aluminum’s surfaces before melting. Which, therefore, produces less waste, cutting it by 5-10%.

Material waste reduction via process and die design helps companies save more and protect the environment.  These techniques also promote sustainability. For example, reusing aluminum chips can save $10,000 per year.

Considerare metodi di produzione alternativi

Panoramica dei metodi di produzione alternativi

Apparently, there are several techniques used to make parts with specific features. For example, 3D printing, machining, investment casting, and metal injection molding. Each method has particular pros and cons.

Vantaggi e svantaggi rispetto alla pressofusione

  • 3D Printing: Works best for making difficult-shaped parts and fewer quantities but is too slow for big orders.
  • Machining: Give accuracy in part, adding precise details but generating material waste.
  • Investment Casting: Capable of producing sharp detail parts but costs much more for mass production.
  • Metal Injection Molding: Small-size complex parts can be made using this process. However, it handles certain alloys.

Metodi alternativi per ridurre i costi della pressofusione di alluminio

  1. Reduced Material Waste: 3D printing works effectively when taken in a near-net shape. It cuts waste by up to 20-30%.
  2. Lower Tooling Costs: 3D printing does not need complex tooling and cuts down setup costs by $10,000-$50,000.
  3. Increased Design Flexibility: 3D printing can make products with the most challenging features. So, there is no need for parts to add other components.


Il pressofusione di alluminio cost reduction solution lies in different factors. That includes die designs, suitable alloys, process efficiency improvement, and waste reduction.

Also, alternative methods like 3D printing save more. Optimize these parameters accordingly to get efficient production at a lower price. Reach out to us to see the actual results.

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