Clear Anodized Aluminum

by | Jun 9, 2023

Clear anodized aluminum is one of the most durable and aesthetically pleasing materials. Most aluminum parts use clear anodizing finish, get cear anodized quote

A Complete Guide to Clear Anodized Aluminum

Multiple materials are widely used in different industries. They might be used in construction, electronics, the metal part industry, or many others. These materials are always chosen based on their unique properties. These may include their durability, resistance, conduction, or corrosion resistance. Hence, different materials have different applications. Clear anodized aluminum is also among such materials. It has a wide scope of applications in various industries. In this article, we will discuss its applications, processes, limitations, and alternatives in detail.

Clear Anodized aluminum

What is Clear Anodized Aluminum?

Clear anodized aluminum is a kind of aluminum that undergoes an anodizing process. As a result, it forms a transparent protective oxidizing layer on the aluminum surface. This layer is capable of increasing the material’s durability. Besides this, it also increases the corrosion resistance without changing the natural metallic appearance. So, this is the reason why clear anodized aluminum requires less maintenance. Additionally, it has various applications in the construction and electronics industries.

Types of Processes Available for Clear-Anodized Aluminum

The anodizing process is an electrochemical treatment. This helps maintain the appearance of the material. Here are different types of processes. These help us understand the properties and their suitability for different industries.

Type Properties Oxide Layer Thickness Key Features Typical Applications
Type I (Chromic Acid Anodizing) Utilizes chromic acid to produce a thin, corrosion-resistant layer. 0.5–7.6 microns (0.00002 to 0.0003 inches) Excellent corrosion resistance, good for complex shapes, lower risk of fatigue, and strength reduction Aerospace components, military applications, and high-strength parts
Type II (sulfuric acid anodizing) The most common method. It makes a thicker oxide layer suitable for dyeing. 5–25 microns (0.0002 to 0.001 inches) It is versatile, economical, allows for coloring, and has good wear resistance. Consumer electronics, architectural panels, and automotive components
Type III (hard anodizing) It uses sulfuric acid at low temperatures to create an exceptionally hard, thick oxide layer. 25–100 microns (0.001–0.004 inches) Superior hardness and wear resistance; high corrosion resistance; suitable for heavy-duty applications Machine parts, aerospace components, and military equipment

Step-by-Step Process for Clear Anodized Aluminum

Here are the detailed steps of the clear anodizing aluminum process. So, let’s discuss them in detail.

1. Cleaning of the Surface

Before starting any process on the surface of a clear anodized aluminum sheet, you first need to clean it. It will remove the surface impurities. These may include dirt, oil, grease, and other residues. These impurities can directly affect the quality of the anodized finish. This cleaning process can be carried out using different methods. These include alkaline, ultrasonic, or acidic cleaning solutions. So, you can choose them based on your requirements.

2. Pre-treatment

Once cleaning is done, the next step is the pre-treatment of the aluminum surface. It will provide uniform and smooth anodizing. Besides this, it will guarantee to avoid defects that can interfere with the formation of the anodizing layer. So, you have multiple options to carry out the pre-treatment process. They may include etching and brightening. Here, the etching uses different chemicals and removes the thin layer from the aluminum surface. On the other hand, the brightening method uses a mixture of acids. This helps increase the reflectivity of the aluminum surface.

3. Anodizing

Here the main step starts. During the anodizing step, you submerge the aluminum sheet in an electrolyte, i.e., sulfuric acid. Then you pass current through it, and its oxygen ions start to agglomerate with aluminum surface ions. Thus, an aluminum oxide layer forms. This layer typically grows inside and outside the aluminum. As a result, a hard and corrosion-resistant coating will form. It will ultimately increase the durability of the anodizing. In the end, avoid using the dyes. It will give you a transparent oxide layer. It will retain its natural appearance and also provide protection.

Anodizing clear aluminum

4. Sealing

It is the final stage of the anodizing process. It helps increase the corrosion resistance of the aluminum part. Besides this, it also increases the durability of the anodized layer. The sealing can be carried out using different methods. They may include immersing the anodized aluminum in hot water, steam, or a cold stream. The hot stream will close the pores in the oxide layer. While the cold stream uses nickel acetate or other sealing agents. It closes the pores effectively. As a result of these methods, the anodizing layer becomes less porous. It increases the resistance to environmental factors, i.e., moisture and pollutants. The life of the anodizing layer increases.

Difference Between Anodizing and Non-Anodizing Aluminum

The below table will help you understand the difference between anodized and non-anodized aluminum.

Aspect Non-Anodized Aluminum Anodized Aluminum
Surface Finish Natural or mill finish Various finishes are available.
Corrosion Resistance Less resistant Enhanced resistance
Durability Prone to wear and scratches Harder and more durable
Aesthetics Limited color options Can be dyed in various colors.
Maintenance Requires regular upkeep. Low maintenance
Applications Common in construction Used in diverse industries

Factors need to be considered when Planning for Aluminum Anodizing

Multiple factors need to be considered when you choose to have aluminum annealed. Let’s discuss them here.

Aluminum Anodizing

1. Consider Dimensions

The anodizing layer is created on the surface. It may increase the outer diameter of the clear anodized aluminum sheet. On the other side, it decreases the hole’s diameter. This growth is approximately 50% of the overall thickness of the anode layer. The designers should specify these dimensions before starting the process.These variations can be adjusted in processes like rapid prototyping. Here are some particular features you must consider:

  • High-Precision Features: It is important to control the growth of the layer. You can apply masking. Besides this, if you deal with thick Type III coatings, You can use additional processes. They may include lapping or honing.
  • Corner Radii: It is also important to note that the anodic coating does not work for making sharp corners. This is especially not suitable for Type III coatings. You can use a minimum corner radius. Moreover, try edge breaks in the range of 0.010–0.020 inches for thinner coatings.

2. Wear resistance

The layer formation over the aluminum sheet also increases the surface hardness. It is difficult to specify it. But you can test this hardness indirectly using abrasion resistance. In comparison, the non-finished 2024 aluminum has a hardness of 60–70 Rockwell B. On the other hand, Type III anodize has a hardness of 60–70 Rockwell C. You can significantly increase their wear resistance.

3. Adding Color with Dyes

The anodizing layer increases the aesthetics of the aluminum sheet. Moreover, you can also use dyes to enhance it more. Besides this, dyes will also help decrease the stray light in optical systems. They also identify the parts in assemblies. You can use multiple coloring methods to apply these dyes. They may include;

  • Electrolytic Coloring: This technique uses metallic salts and an electrolytic current. It starts to deposit metal in the anodic pores.It helps provide UV-resistant colors.
  • Dip Coloring: It utilizes a heated dye bath. This helps in filling the anodic pores. As a result, they may produce multiple non-UV-resistant colors.
  • Integral Coloring: Here, it integrates anodizing and dyeing with each other. This technique helps in the formation of an oxide layer during coloring. As a result, you get the abrasion-resistant parts.
  • Interference Coloring: It is used to increase the anodic pores sizes. It uses sulfuric acid and then deposits metal. As a result, it creates light-fast colors due to optical interference.
  • Color Matching: It is hard to get the right color match in different batches. So, this method will help you get the true color of different assemblies.
  • Dye Responsiveness: You cannot say that all anodized types and coatings accept dye well. For example, type I black anodized aluminum may appear gray. On the other hand, Type III coatings can appear dark gray or black. So, it restricts you to the color choices.

4. Conductivity

Although aluminum is a good conductor, But these anodized layers work as good insulators. When you deal with grounding a chassis, they need conduction, you may need clear chemical conversion coatings and masking for this purpose. Additionally, check the anodizing behavior using a digital multimeter. It will show a high resistance value.

5. Additional Coatings

The anodizing of the aluminum part is usually done before finishing. It increases the adhesion and bonding of the metal part. You can apply multiple types of coating to the surface. It may include:

  • Paint: It will increase the corrosion resistance. It is helpful to get the specific colors.
  • Teflon Impregnation: This coating can decrease the friction in Type III hard coats. It has many applications in making mold cavities and sliding components.
  • Electroplating: This is also known as chrome plating. It is mainly comprised of nickel and chromium plating on anodized parts. They provide a shiny and corrosion-resistant finish. This coating is in high demand for decorative purposes.

Electroplating anozding aluminum

Commonly Available Standard Segment Sizes for Clear Anodized Aluminum

Here is the table of commonly available standard sizes for clear anodizing layers. They may include.

Standard Sizes (inches) Thickness Range (inches) Typical Applications
48 x 96 0.020 – 0.125 Architectural panels, signage, and automotive components
48 x 120 0.020 – 0.125 Building facades, industrial machinery, and electronic enclosures
60 x 120 0.025 – 0.125 Aerospace parts, marine equipment, and consumer electronics
36 x 96 0.020 – 0.125 Kitchen appliances, furniture, and decorative trim
24 x 48 0.020 – 0.125 Small parts, prototypes, art, and craft projects

Applications of clear anodized aluminum sheet

Clear anodized aluminum sheet has various applications in different sectors. So, let’s discuss all these sectors in detail.

  1. Construction: The clear anodizing aluminum has high corrosion resistance and durability. Besides this, it can withstand harsh environmental conditions. So, it is widely used to make facades, roofing, and window frames.
  2. Electronics: Anodized aluminum is light in weight and has high thermal conductivity.It has extensive applications in the electronics industry. It is used for casings and heat sinks. Besides this, it is also used to get attractive finishes.
  3. Automotive: The anodized aluminum is capable of providing corrosion resistance. It is highly used in the automotive sector for trimming. Moreover, it is also used to make decorative parts to increase aesthetics.
  4. Aerospace: These are lighter in weight, so they are highly usable to make aircraft parts. Besides this, anodized aluminum offers more durability and corrosion resistance. This can also be the reason for its increased applications in the aerospace industry.
  5. Packaging: It is corrosion-resistant. Additionally, the anodized aluminum can maintain product quality. It is the best fit for the packaging industry. It helps make different components, i.e., cans and containers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Clear Anodized Aluminum Sheet

The table below will help us understand the benefits and drawbacks of a clear anodized aluminum sheet.

Advantages Disadvantages
More corrosion and wear resistance Higher compared to some other finishes
Smooth, attractive, natural finish Limited oxide layer thickness
Easy to clean and maintain Possible batch-to-batch differences
Non-toxic and recyclable Non-conductive layer
Improved paints and coatings It requires precise control.

Alternatives to Clear Anodized Aluminum

By considering the limitations of clear anodizing aluminum, Multiple alternatives are available for it on the market. It includes,

  1. Powder coating also gives a wide range of colors and finishes. Besides this, it is also durable and provides corrosion resistance. It is capable of getting specific finishes and textures. Moreover, it is suitable for dealing with larger parts and complex shapes.
  2. Painting: This method gives both the benefits of protective and decorative coatings for aluminum. Besides this, it gives multiple color options to get specific finishes and textures.
  3. Electroplating: It may include the deposition of a layer of metal on an aluminum surface. They may involve zinc or nickel. They increase the properties, like increased corrosion resistance. Besides this, it also improves conductivity.


In conclusion, clear anodized aluminum is versatile. It increases the durability, aesthetic appeal, and versatility of the aluminum part. Consequently, the aluminum part can be used in a wide range of applications. So, multiple processes can help in anodizing the aluminum sheet. Each process has its pros and cons.In this article, we discussed them in detail. Besides this, we dealt with its applications in different industries.

If you have any aluminum parts that clear anodized aluminum storefront, welcome to contact us, we offer one top service for your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Why do you need to choose clear anodized aluminum?

Because it provides durability, corrosion resistance, and a clean, attractive finish. Due to this, it is widely used in different applications, i.e., aerospace, electronics, and the construction industry.

Q2. Can anodized aluminum be colored?

Absolutely yes, the Type II anodizing allows dyeing the aluminum in various colors.

Q3. Is anodizing environmentally friendly?

Absolutely Yes. It is eco-friendly. Because it is non-toxic. Besides this, aluminum is recyclable. It is widely used in different applications without contaminating the environment.

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