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Zamak trykstøbning

Trykstøbning af zink

Zamak Die casting is produced by the die casting process, which is an excellent way to create complex metal parts. The die casting process primarily works with a limited range of metals. Some popular metals are zinc, copper, aluminum, and magnesium. Among these, zinc holds significant importance and is widely used in various applications. ZAMAK die-casting alloy is the most pervasive zinc alloy.

ZAMAK trykstøbning has different types: HPDC, LPDC, and gravity. Since ZAMAK has a low melting point, the HPDC method is mainly preferred, and we normally call this zamak die casting machine a hot chamber die casting machine; on the other hand, an aluminum die casting machine is a cold chamber die casting machine.

This article highlights what die-casting ZAMAK alloys are and their benefits. Furthermore, it delves into the process by which foundries create ZAMAK die-casting parts.

Købere, agenter, forhandlere eller importører kan få værdifuld information fra denne artikel. Hvis du leder efter en komplet guide til at forstå ZAMAK trykstøbninger det denne, du skal kigge efter. Lad os komme i gang.

Introduktion til trykstøbning af ZAMAK-legering

ZAMAK står for zink, aluminium, magnesium og kobber (Kupfer). Det er et tysk navn på en metallegering. Zink er grundmaterialet, der spænder fra 94% til 96%.

ZAMAK alloys offer benefits that make these alloys suitable for die-casting. In short, they provide a low melting point, high fluidity, and a strength-to-weight ratio. They also offer additional benefits that you will learn about in the following sections.

ZAMAK-legeringer bruges i vid udstrækning i trykstøbningsstøberier. Trykstøbte dele af ZAMAK-legeringer er udbredt i mange applikationer. Disse støbte dele er afgørende, fra bildele til elektronik og hardware. De er også 100% genanvendelige.

Moreover, they usually come with a wide range of surface finishes. Because they provide good adhesion quality, you can apply a variety of surface treatments to ZAMAK parts. Because of this, ZAMAK alloy parts can offer a premium look. Moreover, they are widely used in decorative applications.

Forskellige typer trykstøbning ZAMAK Alloys

Die Casting ZAMAK alloys have many types or grades. This diversity typically arises due to the need for different situations. For example, some situations require high strength, while others require good flexibility.

zamak trykstøbning

Die-cast ZAMAK 3 and ZAMAK 5 die castings are two popular zinc grades.  ZAMAK 3 die casting offers a perfect balance of strength and flexibility. On the other hand, ZAMAK 5 die casting gives more strength and hardness. Both alloys are widely used in various applications.

Du kan også finde andre ZAMAK-legeringer. Følgende tabel opsummerer forskellige ZAMAK-legeringer. Tabellen fremhæver deres sammensætning, fordele og anvendelse.

Bord 1 Tabel over sammensætning af ZAMAK-legeringer til trykstøbning

ZAMAK Legeringskvalitet






ZAMAK grad 2






Trykstøbt ZAMAK 3


3,5 til 4,3%

0,02 til 0,05%


Fe <0,1%, Pb <0,005%, Cd <0,004% og Sn <0,003%

ZAMAK 5 trykstøbning


3,5 til 4,3%

0,03 til 0,06%

0,75 til 1,25%

Fe 0,75%, Pb 0,004%, Cd 0,003% og Sn 0,002%

ZAMAK 7. klasse


3,5 til 4,3%

0,005 til 0,02%


Fe 0,075%, Pb 0,003%, Cd 0,002% og Sn 0,001%


Bord 2 ZAMAK Die Casting Alloy Summerize Table

ZAMAK Legeringskvalitet



ZAMAK grad 2

Den stærkeste og hårdeste ZAMAK-legering

Tungt værktøj og maskindele

Trykstøbt ZAMAK 3

Gennemsnitlig styrke, fleksibilitet og støbbarhed

Bildele, hardware og elektriske huse

ZAMAK 5 trykstøbning

Stærkere og hårdere end ZAMAK 3, god kryberesistens

Gear, håndtag og små maskindele

ZAMAK 7. klasse

Højeste fleksibilitet og fluiditet

Elektriske terminaler og stik

Hvorfor bruge ZAMAK-legeringer til trykstøbning?

Der er mange grunde til, at du bør bruge ZAMAK-legeringer. På grund af deres fordele erstatter ZAMAK-legeringer nogle gange aluminiumsstøbning. Dette afsnit handler primært om fordelene ved trykstøbning af ZAMAK-legeringer.

Reason #1: High Fluidity

Fluidity refers to how easily molten metal flows into a die casting mold during casting. High fluidity allows the ZAMAC alloy to fill the die cavity with ease. Because of this feature, you can create even more complex designs. This feature allows the molten metal to reach every corner of the design, ensuring high fluidity. As a result, you can get better-surfaced, finished die-casting parts.

Reason #2: toughness and high rigidity

Trykstøbte ZAMAK-legeringer er hårde og kan modstå deformation. Derfor er disse legeringer holdbare og fungerer godt i kontinuerlig drift. ZAMAK 2 og 5 tilbyder høj stivhed og sejhed.

Reason #3: High Strength-To-Weight Ratio

Die-casting ZAMAK alloys are both robust and lightweight. Aluminum offers a stronger strength-to-weight ratio than ZAMAK. Note that aluminum’s tensile strength is 310 MPa, while ZAMAK’s is 280 MPa. However, ZAMAK die-casting parts are also widely used in various applications.

Reason #4: Low Melting Point

The melting point of die-casting ZAMAK alloys ranges from 380 to 420 degrees Celsius (except for ZAMAK 2). It means you can quickly melt and solidify.

There are some benefits of a low melting point:

  1. It reduces the energy cost.
  2. It makes the production faster.
  3. It also simplifies the production.
  4. It ensures fewer defects in casting metal parts.

Reason #5: Excellent Adhesion

Excellent adhesion means that ZAMAK die-casting alloys effectively bond with coatings. You can do a wide range of surface treatments. As a result, electronic plating can enhance the appearance of your final part significantly. You can give it a premium look as per your design. Moreover, it enhances the corrosion resistance of your metal parts.

Reason #6: Excellent Wearing and Bearing Properties

Die-casting ZAMAK alloys resist wear and effectively endure friction. ZAMAK parts typically maintain quality and functionality. They remain intact even under continuous stress.

Denne funktion er kritisk i trykstøbning. Den reducerer udskiftningsomkostningerne, hvilket er afgørende for bevægelige dele som tandhjul og håndtag.

Reason #7: 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly.

ZAMAK die-casting alloys are 100% recyclable. You can completely melt and reuse it. It won’t waste any material, and you can use all scrap.

Denne funktion reducerer typisk omkostningerne til råmaterialer og sikrer ingen miljøpåvirkning. Bemærk, at genbrugte ZAMAK-legeringer bevarer samme kvalitet som nyt materiale.

Reason #8: Cost-Effective

ZAMAKs trykstøbningslegeringer er omkostningseffektive løsninger. De koster normalt mindre end aluminium. Ifølge markedstendenserne for 2024 er ZAMAK-metaller lidt dyrere end aluminium. ZAMAK-legeringer er dog billigere end andre metaller og deres legeringer.

Hvad er begrænsningerne ved trykstøbning af ZAMAK-legering?

ZAMAK die-casting metals offer numerous benefits, but they also present certain challenges.

  1. These alloys have a low melting point. When used at varying temperatures, their properties change dramatically. However, they become fragile when the temperature rises too high.
  2. When ZAMAK alloys are mixed with tin or lead, they lose some of their flexibility and corrosion resistance.
  3. Some ZAMAK alloys may not be suitable for lightweight applications.

Hvad er ZAMAK Die Casting?


AMAK die casting is a popular metal casting method. This method forces molten zamak alloy into a die or mold cavity under high pressure. The die or mold is generally made of high-quality tool steel. For each type of shape, there are specific dies; to proceed with the zamak die casting process, you need to have a hot chamber die casting machine.

Typically, the hot chamber die casting machine divides the material into two halves: one stationary and the other movable. When these halves are closed, the method uses an injection chamber to inject the molten metal into them. Once the metal is solidified, operators take the casting parts out using ejector pins. Since you are using ZAMAK alloys, this process is known as ZAMAK die casting.

ZAMAK-legeringen er velegnet til HPDC, LPDC og trykstøbning ved hjælp af tyngdekraften. Du er allerede bekendt med dens fordele og begrænsninger.

The ZAMAK die casting process

ZAMAK trykstøbning, eller zinc die casting, is also a process similar to that of other alloy materials such as aluminum ormagnesium.  Foundries must ensure precise and efficient production to ensure high-quality outcomes.From designing to surface treatment, each step needs professional work.   Here is a step-by-step guide to the ZAMAK die-casting process.

Step #1: Design and Making of Die

ZAMAK die casting begins by designing the final part and mold or die. This step is of utmost importance as it largely determines the outcome.

Først skaber ingeniører fra støberiet en 3D-model af den endelige del, der skal støbes. De simulerer den i forskellige CAD-programmer. Det meste af tiden udvikler de prototyper til test og ændrer designet, hvis det er nødvendigt. Når de har lavet et par hurtige prototyper, færdiggør de støbedelen.

Next, they design the mold or die for the process. Similarly, they create 3D models and develop a few prototypes. During this process, they take into account several crucial parameters:

  1. The injection type plays a crucial role in die-casting ZAMAK alloys. Because they have a low melting point, the injection system must be hot enough to keep the metal liquid.
  2. The number of cavities is another critical parameter here. Engineers arrange these cavities for the best results.
  3. The parting system typically designs how the two halves of the die will look. Final part quality and finishing and trimming depend on the parting line.
  4. The ejector system generally releases the part from the mold. Its design should be accurate so it doesn’t damage the final part.
  5. Engineers also carefully arrange the cooling system for the whole process. An appropriate cooling system prevents many casting defects.
  6. Choosing a suitable material for the mold is also crucial in this situation. High-quality tool steels are usually used for this job. Popular tool steels are H13, SKD61, 8407, and 8418.

Step #2: Preparing ZAMAK alloy

Når formen er klar, installerer ingeniørerne den i maskinen. Dernæst forbereder de ZAMAK-legeringen. Der bruges forskellige teknikker til at raffinere ZAMAK-legeringen. Nogle populære metoder er termisk raffinering, kemisk reaktion, elektrolytisk raffinering og zoneraffinering.

Metoden går ud på at smelte ZAMAK-legeringen i en ovn, så den får en flydende form. Her kontrolleres en passende temperatur, som sikrer, at legeringen smelter jævnt. Ingeniører fjerner normalt urenhederne under dette trin.

After refining, the process keeps the molten metal in the injection chamber. Once again, the temperature is controlled correctly here. Furthermore, it is essential to ensure proper sealing. This controlled environment is crucial for preventing contaminations.

Step #3: Injecting the Molten ZAMAK into the Die

Injecting the molten ZAMAK alloy into the die is critical in the die-casting process. In the previous step, engineers usually prepare and keep the molten metal in the injection chamber. Indeed, this chamber is well-sealed and controlled.

Indsprøjtningsanordningen bruger et stempel til at skubbe det smeltede metal ind i matricen. I dette tilfælde er et vist tryk nødvendigt. Bemærk, at typen af trykstøbning kan variere afhængigt af dette tryk. Trykket tvinger dog det smeltede metal til at nå hvert hjørne af formen og fylde hulrummet.

FYI: Proper injection technique is crucial for high-quality castings. Additionally, it guarantees a smooth and even surface finish. Therefore, when designing a mold, the injection channel must be well-planned.

Step #4: Cooling and solidifying the die-cast ZAMAK parts

Once the molten ZAMAK alloys fill the die, cooling begins immediately. Since the mold is made of high-quality tool steel, it quickly draws heat away from the molten metal. However, the mold has a rapid cooling system that helps cool and solidify the molten ZAMAK parts.

Different types of cooling systems can be used in various situations. In this case, water and air cooling are the most popular options. These systems offer consistent cooling rates. It’s important to note that high-quality ZAMAK parts require consistent cooling rates.

Til info: Et ordentligt kølesystem er altid nødvendigt for en ensartet størkning. Det hjælper også med at forhindre mange støbefejl.

Step #5: Ejecting the Solidified ZAMAK Die-Casting Part

Once the ZAMAK alloy has solidified, it must be removed from the die. This step is typically called ejection.

FYI: An appropriate ejection ensures the part’s quality and integrity.

An ejector pin typically does this work. These pins help push the zinc casting part out of the die casting mold.

  1. The die opens.
  2. It separates into two halves.
  3. The ejector pin activates.
  4. They push against the casting. The casting is ejected out of the die.

Operatøren gør det meget forsigtigt. Det er indlysende, at for meget kraft kan beskadige emnet. Derfor undgår man mærker eller buler på den færdige del ved at justere udstøderbolten korrekt.

Trin #6 Efterbehandling og trimning

After ejection, the part typically leaves behind an excess part that requires trimming. These excess parts are also called flashes. These flashes generally hamper the performance of the die-cast ZAMAK parts.

Foundries use different trimming machines depending on the situation. Grinding or polishing machines help a lot here. Some small-scale foundries may do it manually. However, various surface treatments are implemented on ZAMAK die-casting parts for further finishing.

Step #7: surface treatment

Som nævnt i det foregående trin kan man give en overflade et førsteklasses udseende ved hjælp af forskellige metoder. Forskellige overfladebehandlingsmetoder bruges til forskellige anvendelsesbehov.

Overfladebehandling er det sidste trin i ZAMAKs trykstøbningsmetode. Det forbedrer primært metaldelenes æstetik.

Forzinkning er en af de mest almindelige metoder her. Denne proces involverer typisk belægning af ZAMAK-dele med et andet metal. Galvanisering med sort nikkel, krom og zink er populære belægningsmaterialer.

Another widely-used method is painting. Painting generally adds color and extra protection. Although painting is not as effective as other methods, it is cheap and easy. You can do it either by spray paint or powder coating. Note that powder coating is generally more durable and resistant to chipping.

Anodizing is another effective technique, though it is less famous than plating. It increases surface hardness and corrosion resistance, for example, some zamak 3 or zamak 5 die castings that use guld-anodiseret finish for some furniture components.

There are other methods available for surface analysis. However, each method described above has its unique advantages and limitations. The choice mainly depends on your project needs and budget.

Anvendelser af ZAMAK trykstøbte dele

Som du allerede ved, er der mange fordele ved trykstøbte dele fra ZAMAK. Disse fordele gør ZAMAK-legeringer perfekte til mange formål. Denne del vil vise nogle almindelige måder, ZAMAK trykstøbte dele bruges på. Følgende tabel fremhæver nogle almindelige ZAMAK-støbedele, der bruges i forskellige brancher.


Brug eksempler


Dørhåndtag, knopper, klynger, AC-ventilatorer, lydsystemer, dele til justering af sikkerhedsseler, motorkomponenter, startere og elektroniske gadgets til biler.

Elektronik Gadgets

Støbegods og dele til bærbare computere, borde, mobiltelefoner, hovedtelefoner, tv-fjernbetjeninger


Greb, håndtag, træk, samlinger, skuffeskinner, dekorative møbler


Håndtag til vandhaner, brusehoveder, knapper til apparater og kontakter, dekorative kanter

Legetøj og sportsartikler

Støbte legetøjskøretøjer, minitog, dele til legetøjsskydevåben og dele til sportsudstyr.


Bilindustrien bruger ofte trykstøbte dele fra ZAMAK. Disse metaldele er stærke og præcise, hvilket gør dem ideelle til fremstilling af komplicerede bildele. De kan også overleve barske forhold og er lette. Disse fordele er nødvendige for din bils brændstofeffektivitet.

Elektronisk udstyr

ZAMAK-dele er perfekte til denne industri. Disse legeringer kan bruges til at fremstille en lang række produkter. Som du ved, skaber elektriske genstande elektromagnetisk interferens. ZAMAKs trykstøbte dele giver et fremragende skjold mod det.

Hardware og møbler

Another benefit of the ZAMAK die-casting parts is excellent adhesion. Because of this, you can typically give these parts a premium look. Therefore, ZAMAK die-casting parts are widely used in many aesthetic applications. This feature is critical in hardware and furniture.

VVS og hårde hvidevarer

ZAMAKs trykstøbte dele modstår også korrosion. Disse metaller har fremragende styrke og formbarhed, hvilket gør dem holdbare. Derfor er ZAMAK-dele udbredte i VVS og forskellige apparater.

Toys and sporting goods

Finally, ZAMAK die-casting parts are widely used in the manufacturing of toys and sports items. It is ideal for making die-cast toy cars, model trains, and toy gun parts.

Zamak trykstøbning vs. aluminium: Hvad er bedst?

Lad os undersøge mulighederne for de bedre alternativer. Vi opsummerer deres egenskaber i den følgende tabel, som kan hjælpe dig med at vælge det passende materiale til dit projekt.


ZAMAK trykstøbning

Trykstøbning af aluminium


Zink, aluminium, magnesium og kobber

Hovedsageligt aluminium


380°C til 1446°C

463°C til 671°C


Meget høj


Forholdet mellem styrke og vægt


Meget høj

Modstandsdygtighed over for korrosion


Meget høj


Relativt tungere


Termisk ledningsevne



Elektrisk ledningsevne




95 til 115 Brinell

75 til 120 Brinell


263 MPa til 317 MPa

290MPa til 325MPa


200MPa til 317 MPa

130 til 170 MPa

From the above table, you can see that ZAMAK die-casting parts offer some benefits. With the exception of ZAMAK 2, these die-casting parts boast a low melting point, excellent fluidity, and a high-quality surface finish. Therefore, they are ideal for use in the production of hardware and toys. Additionally, they offer low thermal and electrical conductivity. Therefore, ZAMAK die-casting parts are widely used in the production of many electronic gadgets.

On the other hand, aluminum die-casting parts give a high strength-to-weight ratio. Also, they offer high tensile strength, meaning you can use it to make many auto engine parts. Aluminum die-casting parts also provide high corrosion resistance. This makes them suitable for use in harsh weather conditions. Moreover, aluminum offers high thermal and electric conductivity. Therefore, aluminum is also used in electrical appliances. Go to the Trykstøbning af zink vs. aluminium page to learn more.

ZAMAK Die Casting Producent: GC Precision Services

GC Precision Mold Co. Ltd is a top ZAMAK die-casting manufacturer globally. They also work with materials like aluminum, magnesium, and bronze. Besides die casting, they offer sand and investment casting services.

GC Precision tilbyder også forskellige CNC-bearbejdningstjenester. Denne præcise bearbejdningsproces er ansvarlig for den høje kvalitet af ZAMAK 3 og ZAMAK 5 trykstøbte dele. Deres avancerede teknologi sikrer fremragende resultater til alle behov for støbning og bearbejdning.

Hvis du har brug for ZAMAKs trykstøbningsservice, er du velkommen til at kontakte os. kontakt os. Our team of experts is always delighted to hear from you.

Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Hvor holdbar er ZAMAK?

ZAMAK’s durability is attributed to numerous factors:

  1. It offers excellent corrosion resistance.
  2. It has a decent hardness and tensile strength.
  3. It offers a high strength-to-weight ratio.
  4. It offers excellent adhesion.

Therefore, it allows for a variety of surface treatments. Overall, ZAMAK is a reliable and long-lasting material for industrial uses.

Ved hvilken temperatur smelter ZAMAK?

The melting varies from grade to grade. For example, ZAMAK 2 melts at 1446 degrees centigrade, while ZAMAK 3-12 melts at 380 to 440 degrees Celsius. Except for ZAMAK 2, other grades have low melting points. It makes the alloy ideal for die casting. A low melting point also gives faster cycle times and lower energy costs.

Hvad er den bedste ZAMAK til støbning?

The best ZAMAKs for die casting are ZAMAK 3 and 5.  They both are commonly used due to their excellent strength and flexibility. Die-cast ZAMAK 3 typically offers high fluidity and less shrinkage. On the other hand, the ZAMAK 5 die-casting alloy provides higher strength. It usually offers better hardness and tensile strength.

What is the lower limit for zinc die casting wall thickness?

Den nedre grænse for zinktrykstøbningens vægtykkelse er 0,5 mm eller 0,02 tommer. Som du ved, ZAMAK giver fremragende flydeevne og styrke. Disse to egenskaber holder generelt tynde vægge uden at gå på kompromis med styrken.

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